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CFD Firefighters Auxiliary is always looking for new members to help carry out the mission of the firefighters auxiliary. Please come to our next meeting at the firehouse (first Tuesday of each month @ 6pm).


President: Beth Ginard

Vice President: Aimee McCarty

Secretary: Shellie Olson

Treasurer: Vicky Boegel

IT: Jamie Miller

Sergeant of Arms: Shirley Simon


Cindy Benzing 

Miranda Boegel

Angie Hermann

Marianne Jarmuz

Raina Jeffery

Nancy Jordan

Anita Luchsinger

Chloe McCarty

Terry Mola

Kaitlyn Sabish 

Shirely Straub

Genny Stoffel

Pam Stoffel

Courtney Thull

Honoray Members

Deanna Volz

Mary Ours

Kathy Jungers

Rose Lackas

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